Shinji Kagawa Profile

Shinji Kagawa

Shinji Ka­gawa, born Kobe, Ja­pan, Mar­ch 17, 1989. Shinji Ka­gawa began his pro­fes­sion­al ca­reer wi­th J. Lea­gue Di­vi­sion One te­am Cerezo Osa­ka be­fore the sought af­ter play­er joi­ned Bor­us­sia Dort­mund at the be­gin­ning of the 2010-11 sea­son. Whi­le at West­falen­stadi­on, the mid­fielder won the Ger­man Bundes­liga title wi­th The Bor­us­si­ans in bo­th 2011 and 2012.

Shinji Ka­gawa was bro­ught to Man­chester Uni­ted from Bor­us­sia Dort­mund by Sir Ales Fer­guson for a trans­fer fee re­por­ted to be some­where in the re­gion of £17 mil­lion in June 2012. The Ja­pan in­ter­na­tion­al sig­ned a four-year deal wi­th the Eng­lish Pre­mier Lea­gue club af­ter bo­th sides agreed on the trans­fer fee for the much re­spec­ted mid­fielder. Ka­gawa was han­ded his de­but for The Reds as a late sec­ond ha­lf sub­sti­tute for Mex­ic­an in­ter­na­tion­al stri­ker Javi­er Her­nandez in a 1-0 friendly fix­ture tri­umph over Amazulu at The Moses Mab­hida Sta­dium in Durb­an on the 18th of Ju­ly 2012, and made his fir­st start for his new club in a 1-1 friendly draw wi­th Ajax Cape To­wn at The Green Point Sta­dium three days la­ter. He then went on to score the on­ly goal in a clo­se 1-0 friendly en­counter vic­tory over Shang­hai Shen­hua at The Shang­hai Sta­dium on the 25th of Ju­ly and fol­lowed up by hit­ting the win­ner in a high scor­ing 4-3 friendly suc­cess ag­ainst Ger­man Bundes­liga out­fit Han­nov­er 96 at The AWD Sta­dium on the 11th of Au­gust. He was han­ded his Pre­mier Lea­gue de­but for Man­chester Uni­ted in a 1-0 de­feat ag­ainst Da­vid Moyes´s Ever­ton at Good­ison Park on the 20th of Au­gust, and net­ted his fir­st Pre­miership goal in a 3-2 win over Ful­ham at Old Traf­ford on the 25th of the same month.

An of­fens­ive ori­ented play­maker wi­th ex­cel­lent shoot­ing tech­nique too, Shinji Ka­gawa sco­red a hat-trick for Man­chester Uni­ted in a fine 4-0 Pre­miership vic­tory over Nor­wich City at Old Traf­ford on the 2nd of Mar­ch 2013, and to top it all he be­came the fir­st Asi­an play­er to score a tre­ble in the Pre­mier Lea­gue. Ka­gawa gave Uni­ted the up­per hand in the fi­nal min­ute of the fir­st ha­lf as Robin van Per­sie de­flec­ted a cross ball from An­tonio Va­lencia in­to the path of the play­maker who­se low strike flew pa­st Nor­wich cus­todi­an Ma­rk Bunn and in­to the goal. In the sec­ond ha­lf, Ka­gawa ad­ded a sec­ond goal for The Red Dev­ils when he con­ver­ted a pass from Way­ne Roo­ney in the 76th min­ute be­fore he com­pleted his hat-trick el­ev­en min­utes la­ter. Wi­th the mat­ch ap­proach­ing stop­page time, Roo­ney wrapped up the scor­ing spree him­self wi­th an ac­cur­ate and power­ful rock­et shot from some twenty-five yards out which be­at Bunn in the 90th min­ute of the con­test. Fol­low­ing 57 fir­st te­am ap­pear­ances for Man­chester Uni­ted, Ka­gawa ul­ti­mately re­turned to for­mer te­am Bor­us­sia Dort­mund for an un­dis­closed fee be­lieved to be ar­ound £6.5 mil­lion in Au­gust 2014 af­ter hav­ing won the Pre­mier Lea­gue and the FA Com­munity Shield dur­ing his two-year stay at Old Traf­ford. Shinji Ka­gawa Play­ing Ca­reer: Cerezo Osa­ka, Bor­us­sia Dort­mund, Man­chester Uni­ted, Bor­us­sia Dort­mund. Man­aging Ca­reer: None.


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