Leicester 0 Manchester U 5

Bobby Charlton

Lei­cester City 0 Man­chester Uni­ted 5, Fil­bert Street, Eng­lish Foot­ball Lea­gue Fir­st Di­vi­sion, Nov­ember 13, 1965. Man­chester Uni­ted had few prob­lems in de­feat­ing Lei­cester City at Fil­bert Street. Uni­ted were 3-0 up at the in­ter­val thro­ugh a goal from John Con­nelly and brace by Da­vid Herd, whi­le Bob­by Charl­ton and Ge­orge Best ad­ded one each in the sec­ond ha­lf of the tussle to make it 5-0 to the visitors.

Man­chester Uni­ted had be­en held to a dis­ap­point­ing 2-2 draw by loc­al rivals Black­burn Rov­ers at Old Traf­ford in their pre­vi­ous fix­ture, wi­th Bob­by Charl­ton and De­nis Law find­ing the tar­get for Matt Busby´s te­am, and Mi­ke Har­ris­on hit­ting twice for The Blue and Whi­tes. Lei­cester City, mean­while, had ma­naged to edge out Ever­ton by a 2-1 mar­gin at Good­ison Park where John Mor­ris­sey sco­red for The Tof­fees, whi­le Jim­my Good­fel­low and Jack­ie Sin­clair net­ted for The Foxes. At Fil­bert Street, Lei­cester and Eng­land shot stop­per Gor­don Banks was kept busy through­out the mat­ch, but at the same time pre­ven­ted Man­chester Uni­ted from scor­ing double fig­ures. John Con­nelly, who had joi­ned Uni­ted from Burn­ley for a trans­fer fee of £56,000 in April 1964, gave The Reds a 1-0 lead wi­th a clo­se ran­ge ef­fort af­ter on­ly el­ev­en min­utes be­fore Da­vid Herd fou­nd the net wi­th a bril­liant long dis­tance shot a min­ute pa­st the ha­lf-hour ma­rk to double the ad­vant­age for the vis­it­ing si­de. And wi­th one min­ute re­maining of the fir­st pe­riod, Herd notched up his sec­ond goal of the ga­me when the for­mer Stock­port Coun­ty and Ar­senal marks­man head­ed su­perbly de­livered cross from Ge­orge Best pa­st Banks and in­to the bot­tom left cor­ner of the net to make the sco­reline 3-0 to Man­chester Uni­ted. Fol­low­ing the re­sump­tion of play, Charl­ton re­gistered the fourth goal of the af­ter­noon as he ham­mered the ball in­to the net via the cross­bar in the 70th min­ute of the en­counter, and just three min­utes la­ter Best roun­ded off the scor­ing spree to se­cure a com­pre­hens­ive 5-0 away tri­umph for Uni­ted ag­ainst Matt Gillies´s boys.

In oth­er Fir­st Di­vi­sion mat­ches, West Ham Uni­ted edged out Lon­don rivals Chel­sea by 2-1 at Up­ton Park where Mar­tin Peters sco­red the win­ner for The Ham­mers, Black­burn Rov­ers over­came New­castle Uni­ted by a 4-2 mar­gin at Ew­ood Park, Tot­ten­ham Hot­spur were beaten 3-2 by Shef­field Wed­nesday at White Hart Lane, Black­pool and West Brom­wich Al­bion shared the points in a 1-1 draw at Bloom­field Road, Ever­ton suf­fered a 2-0 loss to Shef­field Uni­ted at Bramall Lane, Ar­senal lost by the ex­act same score ag­ainst Leeds Uni­ted at El­land Road, As­ton Vil­la went down 1-0 ag­ainst Sto­ke City at Vil­la Park, Sun­der­land suc­cumbed to a 4-0 loss at the hands of Burn­ley at Roker Park, Ful­ham and Not­ting­ham For­est drew 1-1 at Craven Cot­tage, whi­le Liver­pool out­classed Northamp­ton To­wn to the tune of a 5-0 score be­fore a 42,000 crowd at An­field, wi­th Ian St John, Wil­lie Steven­son, Ge­off Strong, Ian Cal­laghan, and Pe­ter Thomp­son scor­ing the goals for the Mer­sey­siders. Lei­cester City Te­am: Gor­don Banks, John Sjoberg, Gra­ham Cross, Rich­ie Nor­man, Ian King, Mi­ke String­fel­low, Bob­by Ro­berts, Jack­ie Sin­clair, Derek Dou­gan, Jim­my Good­fel­low, Dave Gib­son. Sub­sti­tute: Billy Mc­Der­ment. Man­chester Uni­ted Te­am: Harry Gregg, Bill Foulk­es, To­ny Dun­ne, Noel Can­t­well, Pad­dy Cre­rand, John Con­nelly, Nob­by Sti­les, Ge­orge Best, Bob­by Charl­ton, Da­vid Herd, De­nis Law. Sub­sti­tute: John As­ton Junior.


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